Frequently Asked Questions About Our Flights

  • Start looking into booking your flight as soon as possible.

In general, flight prices tend to increase the closer you get to your departure date. On routes between major cities, this is often to cater to last-minute business travelers who need to travel on short notice and are willing to pay a premium to do so.

  • Flexibility is key for the lowest-priced plane ticket.

Try to be flexible with your traveling dates. Prices are high on a particular day due to any reason like some special day (e.g. St George's Day.).If you manage to travel a few days earlier or even after that day, you would likely have a cheaper flight.

  • Once you find a flight within your budget, book it.

It can be tempting to wait and wait to see if a flight price will drop. However, there is no way to predict whether flight prices will rise or fall, so it’s best to act fast once you find one within your budget.

When it comes to international or long-haul flights, the best time to find cheap flights is at least three months before departure. For domestic flights, start looking at least one month before departure. However, this is an average trend and will vary depending on the route and trip dates. No day of the week is necessarily better than the other to book.

Unfortunately, travel isn't immune to soaring inflation. If you've been searching for flights in 2022-2023 you may have noticed that airfares are 25-30% more expensive on average than before the pandemic. Aren't we returning to 'normal' in the post-pandemic world? Why are flights so expensive right now? Let's look at the many factors that go into questions like why flights are so expensive, why it is happening, and when the price will go down.

  • Rising demand for travel

To understand why the flights are so expensive, one must first understand that flight prices are subject to the laws of supply and demand. After the price slashes and extreme lows in traveler numbers during the pandemic, the spring and summer of 2022 saw the return to normal passenger numbers and flight demands. But with this dramatic increase in demand and the usual summertime demand, airlines have struggled to return to pre-pandemic performance.

  • Seasonality affects demand

Another reason why are flights so expensive for 2022 is that demand goes up and down based on many standard factors, including the season. The summer rush of 2022, enhanced by post-pandemic related reasons, pushed up airfare exponentially. But in general, traveling during the peak season will cost double, triple, or even more than their off-season counterparts. The peak travel seasons include major holidays (e.g., Christmas) special festivals or events (e.g., Cherry blossom season in Japan and the Carnival in Brazil), and school holidays.

  • Jet fuel Prices affect ticket prices

The rising price of jet fuel is the second important reason why are flights so expensive. Jet fuel price is a critical factor in ticket prices as fuel accounts for a large percentage of airline costs. Hence, recent fuel cost increases led to why flights are so expensive right now.